Do you buy clothes?

The store operates on consignment, which means that the person who brings the clothes receives a percentage of the sales of the clothes.

How are clothes chosen?

Sorting is done according to the season, style and size of the items. It is important to me that the store offers a balance in sizes to be as inclusive as possible and that the style of the clothing reflects that of my customers' preferences.

There are also certain brands and types of clothing that are not accepted. Details are provided when the person has an appointment to bring in their clothing.

Can I bring my clothes to the store?

Whether you are an old or new consignor, you need an appointment to bring in clothes.

How does it work if I want to bring clothes?

Due to the large number of clothes in circulation, there is currently a waiting list for new consignors. If you would like to be added to this list, please send an email to indicating the size of your clothes.